3.13 Acre building tract in Ohio county Kentucky! A perfect opportunity to build your forever country home. Conveniently located between Hartford and Owensboro. Call today to schedule your viewing!
Price: | $$59,900 |
Address: | 0 JT King Road |
City: | Hartford |
County: | Ohio |
State: | Kentucky |
Subdivision: | N/A |
MLS: | RA20233828 |
Acres: | 3.13 |
Lot Square Feet: | 3.13 acres |
bac: | 2% |
reo: | No |
area: | Ohio County |
fence: | None |
water: | None |
numBarns: | 1 |
auctionYN: | no |
shortSale: | No |
directions: | Call agent |
topography: | Sloped |
electricity: | Available-Near Property |
listingType: | Exclusive Right to Sell |
deedBookPage: | 000 |
pricePerAcre: | 19137 |
acreageSource: | Survey |
outerStructures: | Storage Building, Workshop |
locationFeatures: | County |
cropsReservedYNNa: | No |
mineralRightsYNNa: | Yes |
propertyLeasedYNNa: | No |
additionalDocuments: | Yes |
associatedDocumentCount: | 2 |
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